Wednesday 30 April 2014

J K Rowling : The scribbler who nurtured Harry Potter

Often,it is seen that fame is never deprived of pain and that's why the line "Pain behind the fame" has got the opportunity to be a part of many biographies through out the world and the same is in the case of our new member today. Hailing from yate , Gloucestershire ,J K Rowling showed  the world that nothing is beyond the reach of humans.This story of fame started with some alien happening with a young boy who happened to be a wizard and is still going on in form of a series ,about to be broadcasted internationally in this year itself . May be neither Harry Potter nor his magical world exists but it holds a a very special place in the hearts of children across the globe.  J K Rowling can be termed as whole and sole creator of Harry Potter series.Her books sold over 400 million copies and has broken all records .  Her net worth is £560 million as estimated by the 2008The Times rich list ,making her one of the richest women in the United Kingdom . The honour given to her by The Times was followed by forbes ,who introduced her as one of the most powerful woman .But before Rowling's manuscript was converted into a full fledge novel ,  it was in the edge of complete failure. But Rowling's utmost devotion towards writing and never dying endurance didn't let her go to pieces ,even after being ridiculed by prominent publishers and these qualities of her compelled The Omnipresent  to send a person to her who had a good eye for fantasy novels who helped Rowling gain publicity worldwide and the rest is history.She now has a good time attending international seminars and raising money for the weak .She has proven people wrong who had the habit of finding glitch in fantasy books.

        Do you all know that just before the very moment when she got a call from the publisher she was is a state of acute depression .Born on 31 July 1965 , in a well to do family consisting of her father Mr. Peter James Rowling ,a Rolls Royce engineer and mother Mrs Anne Rowling ,she never required to run for the post of a princess.She got married to Jorge Arentas in 1992..But for such adorable people destiny have different plans.She had to face divorce which left her tormented and alone with a child.She was forced to live on charity and to   write on left over tissue papers.It was when she was on a delayed train trip from Manchester to London ,the idea of Harry Potter came into her mind. It took her a long time to write" Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone."

She now lives with her second husband Neil Murray and three decent children .She loves people calling him by the name Robert Gailbrath.

She now have money to burn but she has also understood it's worth.She is the legendary author J.K Rowling because she learned to put aside her negative thoughts that could have become the root cause of her failure.

MESSAGE     :       "God helps them those who help themselves"


Saturday 26 April 2014

Bill Gates: The billionaire software wizard

Burdensome official tasks becomes easy ,when done using windows tools.The office package paves the way for our successful career in the blink of an eye.All thanks to Mr gates,the man behind Microsoft.He is a genius ,who give employment to peoples who once didn't had the capacity to keep the pot boiling .From a very young age he learned the importance of money and started to salt away a generous amount of it.He taught the world that we should not fling away even small ideas that takes birth in our mind .His early works were not always in the lime light and some even went by the board.But the thing that didn't let his career to get ruined was his deep faith in himself.In his teens,unlike other teenagers who are basically involved in fun related activities,he shared most of his time with gadgets and widgets,and that extensive knowledge of electronics that he acquired from that made him the richest person in the world and that to for couple of years .His strategy of rubbing shoulders with corporate offers  turned out pretty well for him.Sucess tried it's best to spoil his humbleness but it didn't accomplished it's mission.His net worth (according to forbes magazine ) is around 77.1 billion $ ,on 4/26/2014.Gates posses a large mansion in the side of a hill measuring about 66,000 sq ft .The property tax of the estate was reported to be over a million dollar .The pacific lodge style mansion abounds in all the luxury and comfort found in this world.

Took his first breath on ,22 October 1955, in Seattle as son of a abled lawyer and board of director of prominent institution.Gates enjoyed a lot in the company of his siblings.Time passed away and he got admission in havard college in 1973.At havards he developed a very good friendly relation with  Steve ballmar ,who would later become the CEO ,of Microsoft.He as usual was not a book worm at havards and used to be quite happy when amongst computers.From "BASIC " a mere bate to attract micro instrumentation and telemetry systems to wimdows 8.1, Gates journey can inspire peoples from any walk of life and motivate  people to be like the thirsty crow.

In 1985, bill gates and melinda French got married in few years were blessed with three adorable kids.They both run a very big charity under the name of bill and melinda gates foundation .Assest around 36.4 billion $ ,the foundation was a result of bill gates's huge sacrifice .

And do you all know,that Mr Bill Gates didn't posses any master degree.
Inspite of being a role model to entrepreneurs,philanthropist,software wizards and inventors ,he is a ray of hope to all people who were and are not able to to complete their studies .

He once very rightfully commented that ,Inspite of not being a university topper,all university toppers works for him.

 "wisdom holds better position then knowledge "

Wednesday 23 April 2014

No Limbs....No Problems

Do we all pounce at any opportunity that comes in our life.Don't we feel uncomfortable when we ask our dreams to pipe down.Do we just keep horsing about without any care of tomorrow or Do obstacles smash up your desires?

Well.. Keep your finger's crossed ,as you are about to get the answer

Yes,we all start off very well but lose the thread in the middle

But their is a man who is habituated of passing over mission related ailments .
Using his limbless body to do scuba diving and mouth to dine with spoon and fork!Nick  Vujicic has turned blind eye to failure.

This,31 years old man is a splendid speaker,motivator,loving husband and proud father of Kiyoshi James Vujicic.He has got the privilege of being part of certain best selling books.

Born in a Christian family,on 4 dec 1982,with tetra emails syndrome ,a disease that eats up all four limbs of child in the womb.In his early childhood days he simply used to scratch his head when fellow students use to make fun of him.But as time passed,nick tolerance capacity started to  strife off thereby forcing him to enter into the nasty world of loneliness and sadness.

But In this time of need when there was no help available ,god himself came to his rescue.He guided nick and made him what he is today.

So "if we have deep faith in Lord ,he will send his angles after our well being ,sooner or later"

Monday 21 April 2014

The one and only .....Stephen hawking

The sky's the limit....for all...But do we all utilise our potential completely.....Unfortunately no....sorry to break this news to you....hey friends...don't get annoyed ,I have no intention to hurt anybody's sentiments... But do you know that there is a person who had proved the idiom right ...

With artificial  verbal communication his bosom buddy  and  brain more powerful than a super computer,former professor  and the author of best selling book "A brief history of time " Stephen Hawking even penetrated into the dark world of black hole and brought light to the modern age.

In 1963, Hawking contracted motor neurone disease and was given two years to live. Yet he went on to Cambridge to become a brilliant researcher and Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. From 1979 to 2009 he held the post of Lucasian Professor at Cambridge, the chair held by Isaac Newton in 1663. Professor Hawking has over a dozen honorary degrees and was awarded the CBE in 1982. He is a fellow of the Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Science. Stephen Hawking is regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since Einstein.

Hawking has made major contributions to the field of general relativity. These derive from a deep understanding of what is relevant to physics and astronomy, and especially from a mastery of wholly new mathematical technique

Despite being different from others in physical structure ,has earned a extremely high status and fame.

He has rightly said 

"Obviously, because of my disability, I need assistance. But I have always tried to overcome the limitations of my condition and lead as full a life as possible. I have traveled the world, from the Antarctic to zero gravity

"To win the race ,strategy is more important than physique "

Sunday 20 April 2014

Bronzi's 24 Hour Wealth: The Most Inspirational Video For Women Ever - How ...

Bronzi's 24 Hour Wealth: The Most Inspirational Video For Women Ever - How ...: This is an amazing and powerful inspirational video for women from all walks of life...  These women exhibit no fear to get where ...

Monday Morning Motivation: Irving Stone

Monday Morning Motivation: Irving Stone: "Art is a staple, like bread or wine or a warm coat in winter.  Man's spirit grows hungry for art in the same way his stomach grow...

Monday Morning Motivation: Claude Monet

Monday Morning Motivation: Claude Monet: Painting of Monet by Auguste Renoir 1875 "I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers." — Claude Monet French ...

Monday Morning Motivation: Henri Matisse

Monday Morning Motivation: Henri Matisse: "Creation is the artist's true function; where there is no creation there is no art." — Henri Matisse French Artist...

Monday Morning Motivation: e. e. cummings

Monday Morning Motivation: e. e. cummings: Self-Portrait 1939 "most people are perfectly afraid of silence" —  e. e. cummings American Poet/Artist 1894 - 19...

A gentle woman Par excellence

Even thoughts of Those....crowded public vehicles......well equiped with at least a dozen of rags ,minutely scanning each parts of the famine gender.....Could drive any lady  nuts......But can you imagine that a girl who was molested several times ,during her journey from childhood  to adolescence made the entire manhood bonkers.well,she gave her competitors a run for their money ......the gorgeous ,stylish and benevolent lady is none other than "Oprah Winfrey" ,the chairwoman,CEO and CCO  of the Oprah Winfrey network....Her net worth according to Forbes is around 2.9 billion $ ,on 4/28/2014.Her 42 acre ,lavish abode is one of the most expensive and beautiful Estates .

          She is a boon for the Homo sapiens par excellence .Breaking barriers of caste and creed she evolved from from a lady always wrapped in sacks to a  style icon with passion for diamond studded attires.But what didn't transformed is her blood pumping organ.

Well...sometimes deep inside my heart I feel that the empress of Hollywood ...though for a milisecond ....loiter in the days when she didn't had enough wood to make a shelter for herself......


Saturday 19 April 2014

The enlightened tycoon

Money is what money does. Well...we are well aware of these lines... Aren't we? yes of course ......I was just kidding let me share with your some inspiring moments of the iOS inventer.... You guessed it right pals...I am speaking about none other than the legendary software wizard ......Late Steve jobs .......but before we gallop into this motivational ocean ..I would like to pray for Mr jobs for a blissful life  above......

      Do you know that Mr jobs was not born as a forbes ranker but made it to it by relentless endeavours and  struggles.....



The first thing the college dropout gave to earth was pong and then The APPLE INC...and the rest is history....

But ....the man who fought against conventional computer science .....finally surrender in front of '' CANCER''

This was a short description about a entrepreneur who inspired his counterparts across this world or may be world beyond

                                                                     Rachit Agarwal

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